Eileen Laskar, ICF-MCC
Founder & President, CDI-Africa Coaching Group Author and Developer, Global Coaching Index (GCI) System
Eileen Laskar, the first (and still the only) ICF credentialed Master Certified Coach (MCC) in the broader Eastern Africa region has been a pioneer in the field of professional coaching within East and Central Africa for the past 15 years.She therefore serves in the league of the top 15 highest qualified coaches in Africa and top 1500 coaches globally.
Eileen is the Founder and President of CDI-Africa Coaching Group, a premier coaching and leadership development organization accredited by the International Coaching Federation (ICF) since 2015. She has coached hundreds of C-suite leaders, delivered over 6000 hours of executive coaching, trained over 1000 certified coaches and still counting. Technically, she serves as the Chief Innovation Officer (CIO) as well as the Director of Programs, over and above being the visionary and the chief trainer. Privately, she is one of the most sought-after coaches for C- Suite level leaders in the region, only taking on board few carefully selected leaders at a time for a deeper transformation.
She is a coaching ambassador and evangelist whose rallying call is developing human-centered leaders, who embrace and apply the coaching philosophy to ignite and elevate human and organizational performance.
Besides delivering executive and leadership coaching and training coaches for global certification, Eileen has developed over 10 ICF -Accredited training programs that have been delivered to hundreds of leaders and managers both in the organizations and in the marketplace. Her recent thought leadership venture is the Global Coaching Index (GCI) system that is revolutionizing coaching and leadership in organizations.
Eileen is therefore a respected as a pioneer and an ardent ambassador for coaching in Africa championing a greater vision of embedding coaching in organizations and weaving that philosophy into the tapestry and fabric of the African Society with a view to making coaching is accessible, 360 degrees.
Before launching her coaching career, Eileen worked in various senior leadership capacities in the broader Eastern Africa region supporting various organizations in the area of strategy development, business structuring and people development for close to 10 years. This journey firmed the foundation to the leader and the entrepreneur she is today… and her journey continues.
Eileen is a devoted Christian, wife and mother to 3 wonderful sons. Her faith and family form a strong anchor to her global transformation mission.

Qualifications, Credentials & Membership
ICF-Master Certified Coach (MCC)
Certified Executive Coach (CEC)
ICF – Registered Global Mentor Coach
Certified Leadership Circle Profile (LCP) Practitioner
Certified Group and Team Coach
Certified Emotional Intelligence Coach
MSc. (Leadership) – Walden University (USA)
Certified Independent Director (By Sirdar)
Thinkers 50 Nominee (Coaching and Mentoring Category) – 2021101 Most Fabulous Global Coaching Leaders Award 2020
ICF Prism Award Finalist (Nominating Coach) 2018
Former Board Chair and Founder Member, ICF-Kenya Chapter
CDI-Africa Coaching Group
CDI-Africa Coaching Group is a coach training organization (CTO) and a leadership development organization (LDO) headquartered in Nairobi, Kenya and serving Africa since 2006. We are a renowned leader in advancing coaching as a profession as well as a catalytic approach to elevating and scaling leadership in the region.